Sunday, June 10, 2012


No one likse being disappointed. You get your hopes up really high all the time. You think your girlfriend wants to have sex and you find out your wrong and that she doesn't get horny anymore. Then you find out when she does get horny its pretty much fake. Maybe i should just go gay? Though dating a guy would be pretty boring. Its even better when your dad says he will buy you a new car, then changes his mind. You wanted the Mazda Mitata or Subaru BRZ but then your dreams are crushed, you don't show it but you feel your heart sink. Then you go home and post it on your blog that no one but you reads. Funny how i complain while billions of other people right now are starving, lonely, missing or just down in luck. If you want to change the world, you have to start with your self first. 
Ah, sadness. How i miss you. 

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